Travis and I went to our 19 week ultra sound on Tuesday to find out the sex of the baby! We decided that the way we wanted to tell everyone was to make cupcakes with pink/blue icing in the middle. It was so exciting!! Here are the pictures...
We made about 3 dozen cupcakes to take to work and my parents house
My family opening their cupcakes
My work opening their cupcakes
My family's reaction...
My works reaction...
It's a BOY!!
My Dad bought us some Utes onsies. We are really excited to be having a sweet little boy!
Ultra Sound Pictures
We couldn't be more excited. Travis is already stocking up on sports equipment and looking on KSL for a Nintendo! We have also chosen a name for our little guy... Wesley Kenneth after Travis's grandpa and my grandpa. I am officially 20 weeks today, half way there!!