Saturday, January 21, 2012

And Then There Were Three...

I was induced on January 5, 2012.  This is the last picture of our Family before the baby was born...

We spent the night at the hospital.  I was put on meds that started my labor.  Here are some pictures of us trying to relax...

Friday morning the Dr broke my water and I had an epidural.  Unfortunately the epidural didn't work too good and I felt most contractions and pressure.  After about 6 hours of labor Wesley was born at 1:46 PM.  He was 7.03 lbs and 20 inches. 

Official Weight

He had a pretty rough delivery so he came out quite bruised and swollen.  Travis will also never forget his cone head!!

First Picture with Mom

Proud Dad

Wesley is officially 2 weeks old...  We are all getting use to the routine and doing well!  More pictures to come...

2 Weeks Old


  1. I love checking your blog!! It is so much fun to see how you are doing! I am glad that everything turned out okay getting Wesley here. He is such a cute baby :-)

  2. Babies are so much fun! I am so excited for you!

  3. That 2012 picture on your side bar is so cute! Post more of those please :)
